Adaptive Social Protection programs are increasingly implemented in fragile and insecure contexts in the Sahel. This paper provides a framework, key principles, and a repertoire of options for adapting...
The development of the private sector in Myanmar and its contribution to economic growth are set against a backdrop of continuing internal armed conflict. The growth of business and resolution of conflict...
The situation in Guinea is significantly different from that in many other West African countries regarding the risks associated with new identification schemes. While Guinea shares the experience of other...
Although official warfare in the Republic of Congo stopped more than eight years ago, the pool region has continued to feel the collateral effects of war until now at a scale largely ignored by the general...
The paper is a contribution to discussions on Rule of Law (RoL) and Security Sector Reform (SSR) for the World Development Report 2011. It outlines: A policy framework identifying the specific characteristics...
The Horn of Africa (HOA) is one of the most underdeveloped regions on earth. It is also one of the most conflict-ridden, insecure regions in the world. While Africa as a whole has enjoyed a trend in recent...
This press release announces that the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved fifteen million US dollars International Development Association (IDA) grant to help the government of Burundi facilitate...
From last December to February, violent incidents rose back to high levels, with a peak of 36 reported cases in January, and 31 in December and 26 in February. Sixteen people died, 47 were injured and...
Three months into the campaign for the 2009 legislative elections, the usually quiet atmosphere of the fasting month was disrupted by 43 violent incidents. Political tensions were a driving factor in September's...
As the campaign for the 2009 elections started on July 12th, the number of violent incidents increased sharply, with 43 cases in August, by far the highest level since the tsunami. This leap was partly...
This note is based on the proceedings of an Multi-Country Demobilization and Reintegration Program (MDRP) Technical Coordination Group (TCG) meeting on the psychological effects of conflict on ex-combatants...
The number of conflicts reached new highs in May and June 2008, a rise mostly driven by a swelling number of administrative disputes. Violence stayed at the relatively high levels recorded since December...
The situation in Aceh remains on the whole safe and stable. However, the rising levels of violence recorded since December of last year, including a number of incidents involving or targeting KPA, show...
Ratings for the Ethiopia Emergency Recovery Project were as follows: outcomes were satisfactory, the risk to development outcome was moderate, the Bank performance was satisfactory, and the Borrower performance...
This paper on pensions in Iraq discusses the two different types of problems with which the Iraqi pension system is faced. First, there are problems emerging as a result of the war and the implementation...
After more than a decade without an active program in Somalia, the World Bank reengaged in 2003 in partnership with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and with the collaboration of other development...
Somalia's history of conflict reveals an intriguing paradox--namely, many of the factors that drive armed conflict have also played a role in managing, ending, or preventing war. For instance, clannism...
This paper has two primary aims: 1) To characterize the processes by which individuals are mobilized for violent identity-based conflict, and 2) To identify the most salient factors which limit the inter-village...
This note discusses about six farmer innovators from Ethiopia that took part in the recent international workshop on Promoting Local Innovation (PROLINNOVA), which was held in March 2004 at the Furra Institute...