China’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth has moderated since the second quarter of 2024, owing to subdued domestic demand. The government has responded to the domestic demand slowdown with incremental...
The Iran Economic Monitor (IEM) provides an update on key economic developments and policies. It examines these economic developments and policies in a longer-term and global context and assesses their...
Activity in China continues to track the ups and downs of the pandemic - outbreaks and growth slowdowns have been followed by uneven recoveries. After a downturn caused by the Coronavirus disease 2019...
中国的经济活动继续随着疫情状况而起伏——疫情暴发和增长放缓过后出现了不均衡的复苏。在2019年新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)爆发以及4月和5月严格的公共卫生措施导致经济下滑之后,随着感染人数的减少,三季度经济活动有所回升。国内生产总值(GDP)同比增长3.9%,而二季度只有0.4%。高频指标显示,四季度由于新冠病例回升,经济增长再次放缓。尽管有财政和货币政策支持,但 2022 年实际 GDP...
The Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC) authorities had been trying to set in motion a process to address the root cause of the region’s vulnerability - a largely undiversified economic...
This paper analyzes the macroeconomic effects of macroprudential policy—in the form of legal reserve requirements—in three Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay). To correctly identify...
Poverty reduction is not just a matter of improving incomes. Other dimensions that people value, and that cannot be measured by looking at income, include the ability to read and write, the ability to...
This story highlights the fact that the East Asia and Pacific region continues to be an engine of global growth, contributing around 40 percent of global growth in 2012. Driven by strong domestic demand...
Some of the headings included in this issue of the Development Economics Prospects Group (DECPG) weekly global economic newsletter are as follows: global equity markets experienced a generalized correction...
This story highlights the fact that the East Asia and Pacific region continues to be an engine of global growth, contributing around 40 percent of global growth in 2012. Driven by strong domestic demand...
In November 1991, Muchtarudin Siregar interviewed on behalf of the World Bank Group Archives oral history program by John Lewis, Richard Webb, Devesh Kapur. This transcript concerns serious negotiations...
In November 1991, Johannes B. Sumarlin was interviewed on behalf of the World Bank Group Archives oral history program by John Lewis, Richard Webb, Devesh Kapur. This transcript concerns serious negotiations...
In November 1991, Ali Wardhana was interviewed on behalf of the World Bank Group Archives oral history program by John Lewis, Richard Webb, Devesh Kapur. This transcript concerns serious negotiations between...
In November 1991, Widjojo Nitisastrowas interviewed on behalf of the World Bank Group Archives oral history program by John Lewis, Richard Webb, Devesh Kapur. This transcript concerns serious negotiations...
In November 1991, Hadi Soesastro was interviewed on behalf of the World Bank Group Archives oral history program by John Lewis, Richard Webb, Devesh Kapur. This transcript concerns serious negotiations...
In November 1991, Radinal Moochtar interviewed on behalf of the World Bank Group Archives oral history program by John Lewis, Richard Webb, Devesh Kapur. This transcript concerns serious negotiations between...
In November 1991, Abdul Hakim Nusantara interviewed on behalf of the World Bank Group Archives oral history program by John Lewis, Richard Webb, Devesh Kapur. This transcript concerns serious negotiations...