Building resilience to natural disasters is imperative for sustainable private sector development and growth in Malaysia. Floods have been Malaysia’s most frequent natural disaster, accounting for 85 percent...
Ratings for the Earthquake Housing Reconstruction Project (EHRP) for Nepal were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was satisfactory and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was substantial...
This report identifies and estimates the Nepal government’s contingent liabilities from natural disasters. It provides an overview of the current risk landscape and identifies challenges in managing disaster...
The objective of this report is to provide recommendations to the Government of Sint Maarten (GoSXM) for the formulation of a country-specific comprehensive disaster risk financing (DRF) strategy based...
Landslide risk represents one of the most severe problems related to natural hazards on a global scale, particularly in areas with high relief. Transportation corridors traversing landslide risk-prone...
Understanding Risk (UR) is an open and global community of over 8,000 experts and practitioners interested and active in the creation, communication, and use of disaster risk information. This vibrant...
Циљ процене штете и потреба јесте утврђивање врсте и величине штета и губитака у натуралним и вредносним показатељима, по територијама, инфраструктури и имовини, времену и узроцима настанка штета, и...
Циљ процене штете и потреба јесте утврђивање врсте и величине штета и губитака у натуралним и вредносним показатељима, по територијама, инфраструктури и имовини, времену и узроцима настанка штета, и то...
Јединственом методологијом за процену штете и потреба након елементарних непогода обезбеђује се примена истих принципа и метода процењивања код свих организованих процена штета и потреба изазваних различитим...
The environmental issues are increasingly gaining in importance at global, European, national and local level. At global level, the United Nations has developed the Sustainable development framework, with...
The September 2018 earthquake, tsunami, and liquefaction in Central Sulawesi—the deadliest natural disaster to hit Indonesia since the 2004 Aceh tsunami—exposed challenges in accessing real-time data on...
This press release announces that the World Bank (WB) on December 28, 2010, announces the immediate disbursement of one hundred fifty million to support Colombia in the face of the humanitarian emergency...
On August 16, 2007, World Bank Vice President for Latin America and the Caribbean, Pamela Cox, expressed today the institution’s solidarity and condolences to the people and Government of Peru for the...
On March 8, 2007, the World Bank’s Board of Directors today approved a US14.2 million dollars zero-interest credit from the International Development Association (IDA) to four country members of the Organization...
This news release, dated September 2, 2005, announces a letter sent to United States President George W. Bush by World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz.
This news release, dated January 6, 2005, announces speaking to the leaders of the special meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami...
This press release announces on June 21, 1971, that the World Bank has approved five million four hundred thousand US dollars loan to the government of Guyana to help finance second sea defense project...