This policy brief reviews the options for increasing funding for NCDs and mental health from the perspective of health ministries, finance ministries, and development agencies. This policy brief complements...
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many national governments face significant macrofiscal challenges that make increasing resources for NCDs and mental health more difficult. Hence, the challenge for...
Ratings of Primary Health Care (PHC) System Strengthening Project for Sri Lanka were as follows: outcome was satisfactory, Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality...
As global efforts to build emergency-ready health systems intensify, the "Strategic Investment for Health System Resilience: A Three-Layer Framework" offers a practical investment framework and diverse...
The global demographic landscape is at a crossroads, with rapid declines in fertility and aging populations holding profound implications for employment, social services, and wellbeing. Population aging...
The World Bank has a long history of engaging in population issues, ranging from childhood illness, nutrition, fertility, and safe motherhood to the aging process. It supports countries in addressing the...
The World Bank has a long history of engaging in population issues, ranging from childhood illness, nutrition, fertility, and safe motherhood to the aging process. It supports countries in addressing the...
The World Bank has a long history of engaging in population issues, ranging from childhood illness, nutrition, fertility, and safe motherhood to the aging process. It supports countries in addressing the...
The World Bank has a long history of engaging in population issues, ranging from childhood illness, nutrition, fertility, and safe motherhood to the aging process. It supports countries in addressing the...
The World Bank has a long history of engaging in population issues, ranging from childhood illness, nutrition, fertility, and safe motherhood to the aging process. It supports countries in addressing the...
El Banco Mundial tiene una larga historia de participación en cuestiones demográficas, que van desde las enfermedades infantiles, la nutrición, la fertilidad y la maternidad sin riesgo hasta el proceso...
Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are among the major health and development challenges of our time. Every year, about 41 million people die due to NCDs. This makes up about 74 percent of all deaths globally...
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) (especially cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, chronic respiratory disease, and mental health disorders) increasingly threaten countries’ health achievements and...
Women and men experience aging differently. Evidence from across the globe suggests that aging is not “gender-neutral”, but rather “gender-imbalanced”. Along with physical and physiological differences...
Even as human beings are living longer and generally healthier lives, consumption of tobacco, alcohol, and processed foods with high sugar content are causing substantial death and disease. In recent decades...
In virtually all countries across the world, the population is aging, and consequently, both the number and proportion of older people are growing. Notably, the aging process is accelerating at a more...
As underscored in several background papers developed for the Healthy Longevity Initiative (HLI) Commission, noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) represent a major and growing threat to the health of the world’s...
Poor health in old age comes at a high cost for individuals, households, and societies. Increases in life expectancy across countries have not always added years of healthy life. Accordingly, health promotion...
Population aging is a global phenomenon: people all over the world are living longer. Undoubtedly, this is good news. Extended longevity reflects the social and economic progress of societies; it is the...
The world’s population is aging at a dramatic speed, raising concerns for how to maintain income and productivity growth, improve the welfare of older people, and help them contribute to society. By 2050...