The development objective of the Bangladesh - Health, Nutrition and Population Sector Development Program-for-Results is to support a subset of the Government’s program in the two targeted divisions (Chattogram...
The Global Challenge Program (GCP) will catalyze and leverage new ways of working between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), International Development Association (IDA)...
The World Bank Group’s collaborations with the humanitarian and development partners on food and nutrition security (FNS) have culminated in the establishment of the Global Alliance for Food Security...
Integrating nutrition priorities in country planning and budgeting process and implement the necessary enabling policies and reforms to accelerate progress in nutrition improvement. This report focuses...
Artificial trans fats are toxic, unnecessary chemicals that increase the risk of heart attack and death. Consumption causes 540,000 deaths each year globally, similar in magnitude to deaths from malaria...
Primary health care (PHC) is an essential building block for achieving universal health coverage (UHC). The World Bank Group’s (WBG’s) health, nutrition, and population (HNP) practice is committed to improving...
5Un tercio de todos los alimentos producidos a nivel mundial se pierden o desperdician,mientras 800 millones de personas sufren de desnutrición crónica y malnutrición. Estudios técnicos realizados por...
This news release, dated March 3, 1977, announces Indonesia will mount a series of programs to improve nutritional standards in the country in a project being assisted by the World Bank. The Bank approved...
This press release announces on June 28, 1976, that the World Bank has made its first loan for a nutrition project to Brazil. A loan of nineteen million aims to help finance a project to be undertaken...