This Q&A was designed to provide detailed responses to commonly asked questions about what and how to tax when it comes to nutrition- related targets of excise taxes, including sugar-sweetened beverages...
La plupart des personnes interrogées ont subi des hausses de prix des denrées alimentaires et déclarentqu'il s'agit du choc le plus important. En raison de la hausse des prix, les personnes interrogées...
Most respondents have experienced food price increases and report it as the most important shock. Due to higher prices, respondents resort to purchasing smaller quantities. Around 6 out of 10 respondents...
This working paper presents the results of a rapid literature review of program evaluations of food subsidies to promote healthy eating that address sales/prices, consumption, and/or health outcomes. It...
This report focuses to inform nutrition for growth (N4G) audience countries and stakeholders of an emerging concept of nutrition-responsive public financial management. It contributes to a knowledge base...
The development objective of Second Nutrition Project is to improve the utilization and quality of priority maternal and child health and nutrition services for targeted groups in Cambodia. This project...
The development objective of Empowering Communities for Better Nutrition Project for Djibouti is to increase access to community-based child and adolescent/youth nutrition services in target area. This...
This report focuses on the following: (i) Present a broad overview of nutrition financing and introduce key strategic action areas and emerging country initiatives on financing and accountability to drive...
The objective of Improving Nutrition Outcomes Using the Multiphase Programmatic Approach Project for Madagascar is to increase utilization of an evidence-based package of reproductive, maternal and child...
The development objective of the Nutrition and Social Protection Project s is to improve Honduras' social safety net for children and youth by: (i) strengthening the recipient's capacity to administer...
The development objective of the Nutrition and Social Protection Project s is to improve Honduras' social safety net for children and youth by: (i) strengthening the recipient's capacity to administer...