Government of Egypt does not have a common approach to managing various insurance mandates for the informal workers holistically. Income tax, health insurance (HI) and pensions-social insurance (SI) contributory...
Pension systems and pension system reforms are some of the most contentious reforms that governments undertake globally. In addition, they, like civil service reform, are designed and elaborated by the...
Deliverable 1 requires the World Bank team to deliver a report on the Basic PROST trainings and basic advice provided to the Client on how to mechanically use the model efficiently. This requirement encompasses...
Brazil's pension system takes up an oversized proportion of its social protection spending. It comprises of Regime Geral de Previdéncia Social (RGPS), covering private sector workers, and over two thousand...
Today's pension policies can affect retirement incomes and the public finances for decades to come. Retirement income systems that are affordable today, will often prove unsustainable in the future, given...
Today's pension policies can affect retirement incomes and the public finances for decades to come. Retirement income systems that are affordable today, will often prove unsustainable in the future, given...