This policy note presents insights synthesized from the 2022 Indonesia’s retirement savings among informal workers survey. It aims to unpack informality in Indonesia as it relates to retirement savings...
Maintaining human capital during old age requires both an adequate pension (cash component) as well as access to affordable quality healthcare (healthcare component). Lack of universal/affordable healthcare...
A pension system is at the heart of social protection. By ensuring income security for older persons and other vulnerable groups, it prevents poverty, reduces inequality, and facilitates consumption smoothing...
Deliverable 1 requires the World Bank team to deliver a report on the Basic PROST trainings and basic advice provided to the Client on how to mechanically use the model efficiently. This requirement encompasses...
The Pension Fund for Civil Servants, which was renamed the ‘Mali Social Security Fund’ in 2011, accounts for approximately half of all social protection expenditure in Mali. Prior to the conflict, the...
Today's pension policies can affect retirement incomes and the public finances for decades to come. Retirement income systems that are affordable today, will often prove unsustainable in the future, given...
Today's pension policies can affect retirement incomes and the public finances for decades to come. Retirement income systems that are affordable today, will often prove unsustainable in the future, given...
This document discusses a core course on social security and pension reform held in Vienna, Austria, sponsored by the World Bank. The course aimed to introduce participants to the analytical and political...