This paper carries out an evaluation of parental benefits in Argentina, building on the core elements of maternity protection set by the ILO Convention 183 but broadening it to cover needs of mothers and...
This report proposes designing such a strategy in light of macroeconomic risks. It analyzes North Macedonia’s major macroeconomic and fiscal weaknesses, risks, and debt sustainability. It discusses tax...
This policy note presents insights synthesized from the 2022 Indonesia’s retirement savings among informal workers survey. It aims to unpack informality in Indonesia as it relates to retirement savings...
A pension system is at the heart of social protection. By ensuring income security for older persons and other vulnerable groups, it prevents poverty, reduces inequality, and facilitates consumption smoothing...
The Input Template (named as I_Prost14_template.xlsx) is an Excel workbook designed to enter data and assumptions necessary for running PROST141. This template contains the following eight worksheets
The goal of the training and support provided by the World Bank team is to assure the medium-term continuity and sustainability of the pension modelling function within the Ministry of Finance. More concretely...
Paraguay cuenta con un sistema de protección de ingresos a las personas mayorescompuesto por dos grandes pilares de transferencias. Por un lado, un esquemacontributivo de beneficio definido, basado en...
The purpose of this Users’ Manual is to provide the necessary documentation for the modeling unit in the Ministry of Finance (MoF) of Romania on how to use the Pension Reform Options Simulation Kit (PROST)...
The purpose of this Users’ Manual is to provide the necessary documentation for the modeling unit in the Ministry of Finance (MoF) of Romania on how to use the Pension Reform Options Simulation Kit (PROST)...
The goal of the training and support provided by the World Bank team is to assure the medium-term continuity and sustainability of the pension modelling function within the Ministry of Finance. More concretely...
Pension systems and pension system reforms are some of the most contentious reforms that governments undertake globally. In addition, they, like civil service reform, are designed and elaborated by the...
This work builds on the Public Expenditure Review (PER) analysis of the pension system conducted in 2016 but also brings important innovations. It updates the financial analysis conducted then and offers...
El propósito de este libro es evaluar el estado de los sistemas de pensiones en la región de Latinoamérica y el Caribe (LAC, por su sigla en inglés) y examinar la gama de opciones de política pública...
: Ghana administers multiple social protection programs. One, pensions provided by the Social Security and National Insurance Trust, has a long history, but the rest of the programs have been introduced...
Deliverable 1 requires the World Bank team to deliver a report on the Basic PROST trainings and basic advice provided to the Client on how to mechanically use the model efficiently. This requirement encompasses...
El sistema de pensiones en Argentina es el principal receptor de recursos públicos. Esto explica valores de gasto en torno al 12% del PIB, equivalente al 25% del gasto público consolidado; es decir, teniendo...
The pension system in Argentina is the main recipient of public resources. This explains spending values of around 12% of GDP, equivalent to 25% of consolidated public spending; that is, taking into account...