This paper investigates the role of gender bias in artificial intelligence–driven analyses of citizen participation, using data from the 2023 Latinobarómetro Survey. The paper proposes that gender bias—whether...
Ranked voting is an election format in which each voter ranks candidates on a ballot, and individual rankings are aggregated using a general rule to produce a social ranking. This paper proposes a non-cooperative...
In 1992, the 73rd Amendment to the Indian Constitution created 250,000 village democracies (called Gram Panchayats) covering 800 million citizens. It mandated regular elections, deliberative spaces, and...
This book sets out why climate policies are successfully adopted in some cases butmeet substantial opposition in others. Guided by the 4i Framework—covering four keycomponents of the political economy:...
This book sets out why climate policies are successfully adopted in some cases but meet substantial opposition in others. Guided by the 4i Framework—covering four key components of the political economy:...
Can effective policy implementation change political selection by inducing voters to prioritize leader competence over other traits, such as gender? This paper answers this question by examining the impact...
This paper examines the evolution of Colombian women's participation in the labor market from 1960 to 2018, shedding light on the complex factors that influence their labor opportunities. The study emphasizes...
On June 8, 2023, the World Bank Group held a discussion with women political leaders from many parts of the world at the 10th annual Women Political Leaders (WPL) Summit in Brussels, Belgium. The purpose...
As civic life has moved online scholars have questioned whether this will exacerbate political inequalities due to differences in access to technology. However, this concern typically assumes that unequal...
Over the past two decades Rwanda has achieved remarkable social, political and economic progress. The impact of risks of climate change could be consequential for Rwanda’s growth given the reliance of...
Recent studies demonstrate that female leaders can improve gender-specific outcomes along multiple dimensions through better provision of public goods and legislative changes that benefit women. Using...
This issue focuses on FCV Countries and Topics and features the following articles: Confronting the Development Challenges of Fragility, Conflict, and Violence; What Drives the Radicalization of Foreign...
What role do institutional constraints and social norms play in determining persistent gender gapsin economic and political participation and have institutional reforms been successful in reducing these...
The Arab Youth Initiative (AYI) was launched following the Arab Spring in January 2012, during which young people demanded and hoped for increased political participation. The AYI closed in spring 2015...
This newsletter includes the following headings: a partnership to mitigate fallout of Syrian crisis; building Beirut’s resistance to natural disasters; reversing gender disparity; the public good that...
What effect does government responsiveness have on political participation? Since the 1940s political scientists have used attitudinal measures of perceived efficacy to explain participation. More recent...
Does online voting mobilize citizens who otherwise would not participate? During the annual participatory budgeting vote in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil -- the world's largest -- Internet...
This brief summarizes the results of a gender impact evaluation study, entitled Conditional cash transfers, political participation, and voting behavior, conducted between 2001 and present in Colombia...
This brief summarizes the together we will: evidence from a field experiment on female voter turnout in Pakistan. The information campaign occurred 2 weeks before the election. In many emerging democracies...