This paper presents the results of a qualitative study aimed at generating knowledge on intra-household and gendered impacts of food and energy price shocks among the poor in Côte d’Ivoire, with a focus...
This paper presents findings from a qualitative study on gender differentiated impacts of the food and energy price shocks among the poor and vulnerable in Côte d’Ivoire. Increased costs of living – induced...
This document presents the FY24 IBRD-IDA Budget for Board approval. The proposed budget reflects close consultations between Executive Directors and Management throughout the planning and budgeting process...
This report, prepared together with the International Cotton Advisory Committee, contributes to the discussion of cotton price formation following the abolishment of the state order system. Uzbekistan...
This policy note is provided as an output under the World Bank’s Regional Advisory Service for Southern Africa, ‘Developing a Regional Risk Financing Framework for Agriculture and Food Security’. A key...
The Government of Uzbekistan plans to eliminate the state production targets and procurement prices for wheat. They seek to replace the old state order system by a new arrangement with public grain stocks...
The Government of Uzbekistan plans to eliminate the state production targets and procurement prices for wheat. They seek to replace the old state order system by a new arrangement with public grain stocks...
The paper updates the analysis of the fiscal policy response over the recent commodity cycle, contributes to the analysis of key drivers of fiscal policy procyclicality, and provides a stock-tacking of...
Capitalizing the results of the Mainstreaming Sustainable Cattle Ranching Project in Colombia with purpose of supporting relevant stakeholders in the making decisions processes, the World Bank, with the...
Capitalizing the results of the Mainstreaming Sustainable Cattle Ranching Project in Colombia with purpose of supporting relevant stakeholders in the making decisions processes, the World Bank, with the...
The Lantau Group (TLG) is appointed by the World Bank to provide technical assistance for the facilitation of LNG-to-power developments in Vietnam (‘the Project’). Phase one of the project entailed reviewing...
In the event of large swings in world food prices, countries often intervene to dampen the impact of international food price spikes on domestic prices and to lessen the burden of adjustment on vulnerable...
The objective of this study is to provide an updated overview on the performance of cereal markets in Ethiopia. Specifically, the study seeks to inform and guide project operations for the Government of...
This study sheds light on the performance of cereal markets in Ethiopia. It combines market-level temporal and spatial price analysis with a detailed analysis at the producer, wholesale and retail levels...
The period since the global financial crisis of 2008 has been characterized by the emergence of a broad set of tech-driven financial companies ("fintech" companies), acting in parallel with traditional...
This paper develops the following price indicators to measure the relative efficiency (functioning) of markets: (a) price dispersion, (b) price volatility, and (c) price transmission (speed, completeness...
This paper surveys the literature on the linkages between asset prices and macroeconomic outcomes. It focuses on three major questions. First, what are the basic theoretical linkages between asset prices...
High inflation and price volatility for food commodities is a major challenge in Indonesia. The country is home to 30 million people living under poverty line and an addition of 65 million people vulnerable...
Everyone knows about seasonality. But what exactly do we know? This study systematically measures seasonal price gaps at 193 markets for 13 food commodities in seven African countries. It shows that the...
Uruguay is a net importer of crude oil. A significant hike in oil prices could have a negative impact onthe country’s economic activity and public sector finances, putting pressure on the government to...