Traditionally, government and business had few incentives to actively collaborate. For the most part, government regulated business, and business lobbied government on areas of economic interest. When...
This report documents the challenges and opportunities for implementing the baby-friendly hospital initiative (BFHI) and ten steps to successful breastfeeding (hereinafter called the ten steps) in India...
In April 2009, the Chinese government launched a national health care reform program, with the goal to provide affordable, equitable, and effective health care for all by 2020. Since then, government spending...
The Indonesian health sector is currently experiencing a financing transition that will have a profound impact on the country's efforts to achieve universal health coverage (UHC) and national health goals...
Since 2009 the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) in Lebanon has been going through a major reforminitiative to improve its contracting system with private and public hospitals. The private sector is the...
In 1999, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia enacted a law that compels private employers to covernon-Saudi employees with health insurance. In the 16 years that followed, the health sector inthe Kingdom has seen...
There is high incidence of kidney failure in Bangladesh due to many occupational, environmental and demographic factors. The Government of Bangladesh (GoB) estimates that about 40,000 patients die each...
The HIV epidemic amongst men who have sex with men (MSM) in Bangkok is substantial. The population size of MSM in Bangkok is 120,000-250,000, with approximately one-third (33.5 percent) considered high-risk...
Achieving access to basic health services for the entire population without risk of financial hardship or impoverishment from out-of-pocket expenditures (‘universal health coverage’ or UHC) is a challenge...
Achieving access to basic health services for the entire population without risk of financial hardship or impoverishment from out-of-pocket expenditures (‘universal health coverage’ or UHC) is a challenge...
This paper uses a common household survey instrument and a common set of imputation assumptions to estimate the pro-poorness of government health expenditure across 69 countries at all levels of income...
This review represents an attempt to bridge the significant knowledge gaps on the private health sector in Sri Lanka, and foster a dialogue on opportunities for collaboration between the government and...
The health system in Kenya is currently going through a major transition with the implementation of the new constitution. The responsibility to deliver essential health services has been devolved to the...
International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, is the largest global development institution focused exclusively on the private sector. IT helps developing countries achieve...
This paper exploits the staggered rollout of Vietnam’s hospital autonomization policy to estimate its impacts on several key health sector outcomes including hospital efficiency, use of hospital care...
Health is the fastest-growing segment of International Finance Corporation (IFC's) public-Private Partnership (PPP) transaction advisory services business, with 20 completed transactions, a strong pipeline...
This book combines a comprehensive overview of the Brazilian hospital sector with in-depth analyses of the key elements of interest in promoting and ensuring excellence in hospital performance. It does...
The objectives of the Queen of Sheba Safe Motherhood Program Project in Yemen are: 1) to provide quality maternal care to eligible women in targeted districts in Sana's; and 2) to design and implement...