For the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), fiscal year (FY) 20 was a year of both internally and externally driven reform. IEG began the year with a mission to listen to the needs of our clients and stakeholders...
More than half of the global population resides in emerging markets, where governments are under pressure to expand health services and coverage. This occurs as ageing populations and a growing burden...
In a year marked by change throughout the institution, the Independent Evaluation Group’s commitment to rigorous analysis, innovative methodological approaches, and the sharing of knowledge and lessons...
In 2012, the government of the Kyrgyz Republic embarked on an ambitious public private partnership (PPP) program across a range of public infrastructure sectors. Driven by the constraints in the public...
Access to affordable, quality healthcare is critical to economic growth and development. As governments struggle to contain deficits, yet increase access to healthcare, private sector resources and expertise...
Access to affordable, quality healthcare is critical to economic growth and development. As governments struggle to contain deficits, yet increase access to healthcare, private sector resources and expertise...
More than a quarter of Romania’s dialysis patients have received better health care as a result of a public-private partnership to provide dialysis on an outpatient basis. This was IFC’s third public-private...
On December 4, 2007, the World Bank and Merck and Co., Inc., today announced an initiative to raise US$50 million to help eliminate river blindness, a leading cause of preventable blindness, in 28 African...
This environmental assessment for Kenya total war against HIV/AIDS project undertakes a situational analysis of health care waste management through assessment of policy, legal and administrative framework...