Many Ecuadorian students entering higher education have cognitive skills gaps in mathematics that undermine their ability to assimilate academic contents. This paper presents the results of a randomized...
This policy note is intended to inform the AFW Education Sector Strategy. It addresses the constraints faced by communities and households that discourage demand for education and undermine educational ...
The development objective of Second Additional Financing for the Rwanda Quality Basic Education for Human Capital Development Project is to improve teacher competency and student retention and learning...
The development objective of the Supporting Andhras Learning Transformation (SALT) Operation - Program-for-Results Project for India is to improve learning outcomes, quality of teaching practices, and...
This paper provides new insights on the science of scaling. The authors study an educational mentoring program with a home visit component implemented at scale in Mexico, under different modalities...
Although some enroll in early childhood education (ECE) programs, most children in Egypt enter the school system at the primary level. Education in Egypt is free and public regardless of level and includes...
Mongolian general education system reform started in 2005 to extend it from 10 years to 12 years to align it with international standards. Since the SY 2008-2009, early childhood education (ECE) has...
As evidence from rigorous impact evaluations grows in development, there have been more calls to complement impact evaluation analysis with cost analysis, so that policy makers can make investment decisions...