This study explored the use of a state-of-the-art collection of high-quality in situ datasets, following best practices13 to inform biomass estimates derived through remote sensing. The intention was to...
The development objective of Climate and Carbon Finance for Renewable Energy Project is mobilizing climate and carbon finance support for distributed renewable energy development in Bangladesh. This project...
This Toolkit is intended to assist World Bank Energy and Safeguards teams with analyzing E&S risks in the off-grid solar sector and adopting appropriate safeguards. This Toolkit will help project teams...
Ratings of Navoi Scaling Solar Independent Power Producer Project for Uzbekistan were as follows: overall outcome was highly satisfactory, overall monitoring and evaluation quality rating was substantial...
The People's Democratic Republic of Lao (Lao PDR) is pursuing a strategy of renewable energy sector expansion for domestic consumption and export to support socio-economic development targets. The power...
The development objective of Innovations in Solar Power and Hybrid Technologies Project is to demonstrate large-scale innovative renewable energy technologies in India. Some of the negative impacts include:...
IFC has used Global Environment Facility (GEF) and other donor funds to explore options for the commercialization of solar photovoltaic (PV) in the developing world. Through the implementation of its solar...
The Balochistan Renewable Energy Development Study is a continuation of the World Bank's previous works on analyzing Pakistan’s variable renewable energy (VRE) potential, mainly the VRE locational study...
The development objective of Innovations in Solar Power and Hybrid Technologies Project is to demonstrate large-scale innovative renewable energy technologies in India. Some of the negative impacts include:...
The development objective of Innovations in Solar Power and Hybrid Technologies Project is to demonstrate large-scale innovative renewable energy technologies in India. Some of the negative impacts include:...
The People's Democratic Republic of Lao (Lao PDR) is pursuing a strategy of renewable energy sector expansion for domestic consumption and export to support socio-economic development targets. Hydropower...
Brazil possesses an abundance of natural resources that contribute to meeting its energy demand. Thanks to a traditional base of hydroelectric power and the more recent development of onshore wind and...
The development objective of Sindh Solar Energy Project for Pakistan is to increase solar power generation and access to electricity in Sindh Province. Some of the negative impacts include: temporary impacts...
The development objective of Sindh Solar Energy Project for Pakistan is to increase solar power generation and access to electricity in Sindh Province. Some of the negative impacts include: temporary impacts...