Interest Bearing Notes is a product of the Finance and Private Sector Research Team in the World Bank’s Development Research Group. It reports on research by the team, as well as non-World Bank research...
Interest Bearing Notes is a product of the Finance and Private Sector Research Team in the World Bank's Development Research Group. It reports on research by the team, as well as non-World Bank research...
Performanța României în materie de inovare nu a ținut pasul cu creșterea economică rapidă a țării în ultimele decenii. Pentru a aborda această performanță slabă în materie de inovare, Guvernul României...
Romania’s innovation performance has not kept pace with the country’s rapid economic growth over the last several decades. To address this poor innovation performance, the Government of Romania (GoR) has...
Interest Bearing Notes is a product of the Finance and Private Sector Research Team in the World Bank's Development Research Group. It reports on research by the team, as well as non-World Bank research...
The development objective of the Accelerating Innovation and Growth Entrepreneurship Project for Serbia (SAIGE) is to improve: (i) the relevance and excellence of scientific research, and (ii) innovative...
R&D tax incentives (RDTIs) are among the most popular instruments that governments in both developing and developed economies employ to induce private investment in research and development (R&D). RDTIs...
This study reports findings from an impact evaluation of the Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization (RIS3) program in the Basque Country, Spain. The RIS3 agenda of the European Union...
This report provides an analysis of efforts undertaken by six countries to modernize their public research sectors via observations regarding key trends. The report presents internationally accepted good...
This document is part of Deliverable 2 under the Reimbursable Advisory Services (RAS) agreement on Research Modernization in Romania Improving the Quality and Relevance of the Research Sector between the...
Prezentul document face parte din Livrabilul 2 din cadrul Acordului de Servicii de Asistență Tehnică Rambursabile (RAS) privind Modernizarea cercetării în România: Îmbunătățirea calității și relevanței...
Prezentul raport oferă o analiză a eforturilor întreprinse de șase țări pentru a își moderniza sectorul public de cercetare, prin observații privind principalele tendințe. Raportul prezintă bune practici...
This research identifies factors that affect the technological transition of firms toward industry 4.0 technologies, focusing on capabilities and policy impacts using relatedness and complexity measures...
Non-financial corporates in emerging market and developing economies (EMDEs) have amassed high levels of debt in the past decade, especially during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) shock, when they needed massive...
Argentinean firms’ investments in R&D are well below its regional peers. One potential explanation for this fact is the existence of low and heterogeneous returns for these investments. This paper uses...
The objective of the report is to strengthen the capacity of World Bank Clients and Task Teams to mitigate sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment (SEA/SH) risks in Latin America and the Caribbean...
The Knowledge for Change Program (KCP) is an umbrella program that aims at delivering high-impact, policy-relevant research, and knowledge products. Housed in the Development Economics Vice Presidency...