The development objective of the Fiscal Management Project for Lebanon is to support the Lebanese Republic restore the basic functions for domestic revenue mobilization and accountable allocation and use...
The assessment in this section is based on progress made by the PA in achieving the targets set in the World Bank’s Development Policy Grant (DPG) 13 approved by the Board of directors on March 17, 2023...
A large body of literature studies the relationship between corruption and economic outcomes, including government revenue mobilization, but there is little evidence on how this relationship changes during...
The assessment in this section is based on progress made by the PA until June 30, 2023, in achieving the targets set in the World Bank’s Development Policy Grant (DPG) 13 approved by the Board of directors...
The development objective of the Enhancing Public Resource Management Project for Somalia is to strengthen accountability, transparency, and institutional capacity in public resource management, across...
The purpose of this Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) assessment is to provide an objective analysis of the present performance of the Public Financial Management system in the Republic...
The development objective of the First Investment for Growth Development Policy Financing (DPF) for Cote d’Ivoire is: (1) strengthen competition in key enabling sectors and domestic revenue mobilization;...
The first nine months of 2022 witnessed a significant boost to public revenues. Domestic tax collections increased by 22 percent, year-on-year (y-o-y), driven by growth in all tax categories. Collections...
This presentation introduces a roadmap example: Part 1: Our approach to analyzing potential roadmap activities (i.e., projects) Part 2: Example of a mid-term tax administration roadmap (3 to 5 years)...
For the first time since 2009, the Macedonian economy was in 2012 back in recession, contracting by 0.3 percent. The recently published Q4 2012 growth numbers confirmed the weaker than expected growth...