As a riverine country, Bangladesh has a large and vibrant Inland Water Transport (IWT) sector. It has some 700 rivers, streams, and canals with a total length of about 24,000 km. Approximately 6,000 km...
The development objective of the First Jamuna River Sustainable Management Project for Bangladesh is to increase capacity for flood management and navigation along the Jamuna River. The project comprises...
Ratings for the National Ganga River Basin Project for India were as follows: outcome was satisfactory, Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was...
The development objectives of Asuncion Riverfront Urban Resilience Project for Paraguay are to improve living conditions for targeted vulnerable households and to increase resilience in selected areas...
Đồng bằng sông Cửu Long (MKD) là vùng nông nghiệp có năng suất cao nhất của Việt Nam, và nền kinh tế nông nghiệp của nó được hội nhập tốt vào thị trường quốc tế. Tuy nhiên, ngày càng có nhiều mối đe dọa...