Ratings for the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) Project for Senegal (PEAMIR) were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality...
This paper seeks the approval to provide additional financing (AF) for the project. The AF also entails a Level 2 restructuring to: (i) extend the closing date of the IDA credit approved for the parent...
Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) aims to shift the urban sanitation paradigm to focus on the whole sanitation service chain and access for all, especially the poor, and promotes a range of solutions—both...
The objective of the Innovative Systems to Promote Integrated, Resilient, and Enhanced Responses to Women and Girls’ Health Project for Ethiopia is to improve women and girls’ health outcomes and strengthen...
Plastic pollution is a major challenge in Bangladesh, with annual per capita plastic consumption in urban areas tripling from 2005 to 2020. The increased use of plastics, especially single-use plastics...
Ratings for the Cheesemanburg Landfill and Urban Sanitation (CLUS) Project for Liberia were as follows: outcome was unsatisfactory, Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation...
Constraints on a valuable resource should draw new investment and prompt policies to increase demand productivity and augment supply. However, this does not seem to be happening for water, arguably one...
The track record of the 2030 Water Resources Group’s (2030 WRG) in stewarding Multi-Stakeholder Platforms from dialogue to action and impact is growing and has shown significant results in FY18. A total...
Water Resources Group (WRG) catalyzes collaboration between the private sector and government to tackle water security challenges and climate change impacts. Its engagements center on four steps: framing...
The report is based on the WBG’s technical assistance which aimed to 1) provide a baseline of current PHC performance, understand the strengths and weaknesses of the PHC system, and where to target initiatives...
W ciągu ostatnich trzech dekad Polska odegrała kluczową rolę w rozwoju gospodarczym Europy, a teraz ma możliwość zaangażowania się w reformy strukturalne, które zapewnią jej dalszy sukces w trudniejszym...