With Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) constituting a large proportion of Malaysian enterprises and making significant contributions to employment, GDP, and exports, it is vital for the achievement of...
The Government of Rwanda has introduced several reforms since 2009 that have significantly improved the domestic business environment. One of the reforms is the one-stop shop for business registration...
This note highlights research using administrative data from the Georgian Tax Authority to estimate the effects of special tax regimes for micro and small enterprises on formal firm creation and tax compliance...
On 19 June 2007, the World Bank Board of Executive Directors today approved a US100 million dollars loan to the People’s Republic of China to support the country’s efforts to promote credit flows to micro...
This press release announces on June 10, 1974, that the World Bank has approved two loans totaling fifty million US dollars to assist industry in Yugoslavia's four less developed regions. The loans, which...