The development objective of Integrated Land Administration and Spatial Planning Project for Indonesia is to strengthen climate-informed spatial planning, land tenure security and land administration in...
In "Future Amman Positioned at a Juncture: Three Strategies Toward Climate-Smart Spatial Transformation," the intricate dynamics of Amman's urban landscape are meticulously studied to offer a comprehensive...
Municipal Spatial Data Infrastructure (MSDI) is an approach that facilitates the organization, sharing and utilization of geospatial information to tackle challenges in achieving sustainable urban development...
This report addresses knowledge gaps related to green and climate-smart urban and spatial development through analytical work on the system of cities in Serbia, with the aim of extending the knowledge...
Ratings for the Zhuzhou Brownfield Remediation Project for China were as follows: outcome was moderately satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality...
Ulaanbaatar is expected to increase its population by 1 million by 2040 (a 74% gain), Erdenet by 8,800 (9%), and Darkhan by 7,500 (9%), adding to the pressure on infrastructure and services, including...
Vietnam has become a global role model for leveraging the opportunities of trade and globalization. Since the Doi Moi reform launched in 1986, Vietnam has been highly successful in building an export-oriented...
Vietnam has become a global role model for leveraging the opportunities of trade and globalization. Since the Doi Moi reform launched in 1986, Vietnam has been highly successful in building an export-oriented...
Georgia’s economy is structurally and spatially transforming and becoming more efficient. This chapter analyses the spatial angle of this transformation and shows that, as in other countries, growth has...
As countries rapidly urbanize, settlements are expanding into hazardous flood zones. This study provides a global analysis of spatial urbanization patterns and the evolution of flood exposure between 1985...
The demographic, spatial and economic dynamics of cities show an interdependent relationship between the urban core and the surrounding localities, as a result of the influence that the city has on the...
Gender, Marginalized People and Marine Spatial Planning Integrated Seascape Management Knowledge Factsheet Series / #1 Marine spatial planning (MSP) is a public process that should be participatory, transparent...
The functional urban area of the Craiova growth pole is located in the southwestern part of the country, in the South-West development region, more precisely in the north part of Dolj County. Because of...
Târgu Secuiesc City is located in the Central region of Romania, and is a rank Il city according to the classification defined in Law. According to the minimum indicators proposed in the new PATN for changing...
Târgu Secuiesc City is located in the Central region of Romania, and is a rank Il city according to the classification defined in Law. According to the minimum indicators proposed in the new PATN for changing...
The demographic, spatial and economic dynamics of cities show an interdependent relationship between the urban core and the surrounding localities, as a result of the influence that the city has on the...