Mauritania is essentially a desert country, with vast tracts of pastoral land and only 0.5% of arable land. The economy faces structural challenges, as highlighted by the slow post-pandemic recovery. The...
La Mauritanie est essentiellement un pays désertique, avec de vastes étendues de terres pastorales et seulement 0,5 % de terres arables. Avec une population de 4,9 millions d’habitants, le PIB par habitant...
In this paper, authors provide a detailed evaluation and recommendations for reforming Mauritania's tax system to enhance revenue collection while fostering economic growth and equity. Authors offer short-term...
A consumption tax reform in Brazil has been recently approved by the House of Representatives, providing a full tax exemption for the yet undefined ‘National Basic Basket’ of goods (cesta basica nacional)...
This recommendation report analyzing the size and effects of tax optimization and bunching with a microsimulation tool covers the deliverable 4 of the technical assistance under the project “Lithuania:...
The Tax strategic development plan 2018-2020 for Lao PDR has a stated goal to improve revenue collection and an integral part of this goal is improving taxpayer service (2.4). The Tax Department (TD) seeks...
This document introduces the Toolkit on Tax Treaty Negotiation (Toolkit), which has been prepared in the framework of the Platform for Collaboration on Tax (PCT) by the IMF, the OECD, the UN and the WBG...
The Tax Administration Diagnostic Assessment Tool (TADAT) gives: Understanding of operational outcomes; Benchmark for before and after comparisons; Mechanism to ask for information for ITAS development;...
General government in Poland consists of central government, local governments, and social insurance sector. Collection of taxes and contributions happens within centralized system, and the system is unified...
The World Bank (WB) and European Union (EU) have set up the WB-EU PFM single donor trust fund to support a work program agreed with the Ministry of Finance of Lao PDR (MoF), with the objective of strengthening...