La sostenibilidad en el sector transporte es un desafío clave para las ciudades colombianas, donde la modernización del parque automotor y la transición hacia tecnologías limpias juegan un papel fundamental...
The Case for Cycling Infrastructure Investments presents CyclingMax, a cost-benefit analysis tool designed to assist decision-makers in evaluating investments in cycling infrastructure. The report highlights...
The development objective of the Dar es Salaam Urban Transport Improvement Project for Tanzania is to reduce delays at the Ubungo intersection, and improve the bus rapid transit operations and management...
Ratings of Lima Metropolitano BRT North Extension Project for Peru were as follows: outcome was moderately unsatisfactory, Bank performance was moderately unsatisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation...
In developing countries, the lack of access to safe, effective, and affordable transport is a fundamental issue for many if not most people. Almost 10 years ago, Kumar and Zimmerman (2015) observed that...
In fiscal year 2024, the World Bank Group adopted a bold new vision of a world free of poverty on a livable planet. To achieve this, the Bank Group is enacting reforms to become a better partner to governments...
Au cours de l’exercice 2024, le Groupe de la Banque mondiale a adopté une vision nouvelle et audacieuse d’un monde sans pauvreté sur une planète vivable. Pour y parvenir, le Groupe de la Banque a entrepris...
En el ejercicio de 2024, el Grupo Banco Mundial adoptó una nueva y audaz visión de un mundo sin pobreza en un planeta habitable. Para lograrlo, está llevando a cabo reformas que le permitan convertirse...
Transportation infrastructure projects typically focus on assessing their direct benefits, like reduced travel times and lower costs. However, the broader impact of improved accessibility on job creation...
Big Data can empower city leaders as they work to improve policy and infrastructure decision-making to increase economic impact and foster development. Big Data application has a significant regional imbalance...
في السنة المالية 2024، اعتمدت مجموعة البنك الدولي رؤية جريئة جديدة لعالم خال من الفقر على كوكب صالح للعيش فيه. ولتحقيق ذلك، تقوم مجموعة البنك بتطبيق إصلاحات لتصبح شريكا أفضل للحكومات والقطاع الخاص، وفي...
Public transport is the basis of transport systems in dense urban centers, especially in cities that already have—or are developing—relatively advanced systems, namely those that operate highcapacity vehicles...
Cities are often heralded as the engines of economic growth, contributing a disproportionate share of a country's GDP relative to their population size. This trend has fueled a significant increase in...
This paper studies the long-run welfare and productivity effects of transit improvements in the Greater Amman Municipality. The paper builds a rich quantitative spatial model that includes many aspects...