In Conakry, Republic of Guinea, women business owners in male-dominated sectors earn significantly more than their counterparts in sectors with a higher concentration of female entrepreneurs. This trend...
This paper analyzes gender gaps in the Colombian labor market, with a particular focus on the impact of the COVID-19 shock and the economic recovery. Using household survey and administrative data, the...
This study demonstrates systematic bias against women in public perceptions of the fairness of wages. In nationally representative survey experiments across more than 70,000 individual vignettes posed...
Данное исследование демонстрирует систематическое предубеждение в отношении женщин в общественном мнении о справедливости заработной платы. В общенациональных репрезентативных экспериментах по опросу касательно...
Ushbu tadqiqot ish haqining adolatliligi to`g`risidagi jamoatchilik fikrida ayollarga nisbatan tizimli e`tiqodini namoyish qiladi. Markaziy Osiyoning uchta davlatida 4500 respondentga taqdim etilgan 70...
On April 13, 2023, the World Bank Group’s (WBG) Umbrella Facility for Gender Equality (UFGE) held an in-person partner dialogue on the WBG’s Gender Strategy 2024-30. This was part of the WBG and International...
The Palestinian Authority’s (PA) spending on the public sector wage bill has increased significantly over the years, despite reform efforts, and is higher than wage spending in all comparator countries...
The gender wage gap in Thailand is much less significant than in most countries in the world. The average hourly wage among female workers, in fact, slightly surpasses that of males. This highly equitable...
Improving women’s economic status has been presented in theory as a protective mechanism against intimate partner violence. Using panel data from 2011–16 for the most populous 20 percent of municipalities...
This Policy Research Report (PRR), Moving for Prosperity: Global Migration and Labor Markets, is an attempt to address this tension between the academic research and the public discourse by focusing on...
This training report has been prepared as part of the Greece Minimum Wage Technical Assistance (TA) provided by the World Sank to the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MoLSA). The objective of this...
This paper studies how a positive export shock -- the sharp increase in garment-sector exports that began at the end of the Multifibre Arrangement (MFA) -- spread through Bangladesh's labor markets. Although...
The study aims to provide insights to policy makers in measuring the impact of trade liberalization and regional integration measures on gender employment and wages. The study incorporates gender-differentiated...
Using a cross-section of more than 29,000 manufacturing firms in 64 developing and emerging countries from the World Bank's Enterprise Surveys, this paper assesses whether trading firms have a female labor...
The objectives of this study are to understand the determinants of reservation wages and measure the gap between reservation and market wages in North Macedonia. The study makes use of recently collected...
This paper documents an inverse U-shape in the evolution of wage inequality in Latin America since 1995, with a sharp reduction starting in 2002. The Gini coefficient of wages increased from 42 to 44 between...
This paper investigates the relative importance of different channels in explaining the low share of industrial employment in Latin America relative to the economies that employ a large share of the workforce...
This paper examines the role of industrial and occupational segregation in explaining the gender wage gap and its evolution in Georgia between 2004 and 2015. It first documents the declining trends observed...
This paper examines the role of industrial and occupational segregation in explaining the gender wage gap and its evolution in Georgia between 2004 and 2015. It first documents the declining trends observed...
The Gender Theme of the ABP II carries out comprehensive data - and evidence-based analyses on emerging challenges to gender equality and provides support to policy makers and innovative activities to...