Pacific island countries face significant challenges in providing sustainable management systems for an increasing and diversifying range of waste materials, driven mainly by changing urbanisation patterns...
Концепция экономики замкнутого цикла (ЭЗЦ) привлекает все большее внимание во всем мире как способ содействия устойчивому развитию и сокращения потребления ресурсов. ЭЗЦ – это экономическая система, направленная...
The development objective of the Reduction and Phaseout of Perfluorooctane Sulfonyl (PFOS) in Priority Sectors Project is to reduce PFOS in selected sectors and enterprises in China in a sustainable manner...
Green bonds help to finance sustainable, climate-smart projects with a positive environmental impact, with the goal to speed the transition to a low-carbon economy. Green bonds are an integral part of...
The perennial presence of plastic waste in the Indus River and its tributaries is a recent addition to the already extensive list of threats to water quality, ecological health, and environmental sustainability...
As global plastic waste continues to grow, the global community is coalescing to reduce plastic waste. Some stakeholders are also exploring new options to use plastic waste as partial substitute for raw...
The development objective of the Plastic Waste Reduction Project (Shaanxi) for China is to reduce plastic pollution from municipal solid waste in selected under-served rural areas of Shaanxi Province...
The perennial presence of plastic waste in the Indus River and its tributaries is a recent addition to the already extensive list of threats to water quality, ecological health, and environmental sustainability...
The development objective of Critical Environment Recovery, Restoration and Waste Management Program is to support immediate environment control measures from the impacts of August 2020 Port of Beirut...
The Lao People’s Democratic Republic (the Lao PDR) economy has been growing fast in recent decades. Between 1990 and 2019 gross domestic product (GDP) increased by an average annual rate of 6.8 percent...
Pacific countries face unique and significant obstacles in developing and implementing sustainable waste management solutions to combat litter in terrestrial and marine environments. Organic waste, waste...
Ежегодно в России образуется от 4 до 5 млрд тонн отходов, большую часть из которых составляют промышленные отходы. Интенсивность их образования значительно выше, чем в Европе: на один доллар добавленной...
Sri Lanka’s hotel industry is a key driver of economic growth in the island nation. Tourist arrivals have almost doubled since the end of the conflict in 2009. The government of Sri Lanka is implementing...
This news release, dated March 2, 1978, announces health and environmental conditions for the population of Greater Sao Paulo the largest urban center in Brazil - are expected to improve as a result of...