In the early 2000s, after an extended civil war, Angola’s water supply infrastructure was severely deficient. Urban centers faced overwhelmed water supply and sanitation systems due to rapid urbanization...
This report provides a high-level assessment of Serbia’s current water security status and drivers of future change intending to highlight the complex water issues that Serbia must tackle to enhance its...
This study is a first-ever attempt to gain a 360° panoramic view of spending in the entire global water sector to better understand the financing and funding gaps in relation to sector goals, and consequently...
The development objective of the Binh Duong Province’s Water Environment Improvement Project for Viet Nam is to reduce environmental pollution caused by urban wastewater in order to protect water quality...
Water is a critical natural resource, a global public good, and an essential service. Water security is central for countries to achieve long-term development objectives in the current context of climate...
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is facing an acute lack of water for life and livelihoods. Despite significant infrastructure investments over the past decades, countries in the region are...
This Stocktaking report is the first deliverable under the Reimbursable Advisory Services (RAS) Agreement between the National Administration “Romanian Waters” (ANAR) and the World Bank (WB). The agreement...
South Sudan faces hard times ahead. For decades prior to independence, the country experienced conflict, marginalization, and underdevelopment, which led to a protracted humanitarian crisis and prevented...
Storing water is a critical part of water security, and the societal response to hydrological variability. Water storage increases the amount of water available for human, environmental, and economic use...
Water is a fundamental natural resource and strategic economic resource related to the national economy and people's livelihood as well as a controlling element of the ecological environment. Although...
Cilj projekta 22HR06 Hrvatska je podržati ekonomičnost i učinkovitost poslovanja hrvatskog vodoopskrbnog sektora poboljšanjem kapaciteta javnih pružatelja vodnih usluga (PWSP) za smanjenje prekomjernih...
The objective of project 22HR06 Croatia is to support the economy and efficiency of operations of Croatia’s water utility sector by improving capacity of the Public Water Service Providers (PWSP) to reduce...
Cilj projekta 22HR06 Hrvatska je podržati ekonomičnost i učinkovitost poslovanja hrvatskog vodoopskrbnog sektora poboljšanjem kapaciteta javnih pružatelja vodnih usluga (PWSP) za smanjenje prekomjernih...
In order to assist the Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry develop this plan, the 2030 WRG commissioned a rapid update to the 2016 hydro-economic assessment. The update specifically aimed to: understand...
यो प्रतिवेदनले सन् २०३० को जल स्रोत समूह (२०३० डब्लुआरजी) लाई मंगोलिया मल्टिस्टेकहोल्डर प्लेटफर्म (एमएसपी) को सुविधा इकाईको रूपमा बाहिर निकालेको छ। कार्यक्रम परिपक्वताको स्तरमा पुगेको छ, धेरै माइलस्टोनहरू...
إن تغير المناخ والضغط السكاني المتزايد يجعلان من الملح بشكل متزايد إيجاد سبل لتحسين إدارة العلاقة بين المياه والطاقة. تستخدم تحلية المياه وضخها وتوزيعها ومعالجتها موارد طاقة كبيرة. يستهلك استخراج الطاقة...