This note summarizes the findings of the water supply and sanitation subsector review conducted through the lens of a public expenditure and institutional review. The review seeks to support the government...
The objective of project 22HR06 Croatia is to support the economy and efficiency of operations of Croatia’s water utility sector by improving capacity of the Public Water Service Providers (PWSP) to reduce...
Qëllimi i zhvillimit të qëndrueshëm për ujin dhe kanalizimet - për të siguruar disponueshmërinë dhe menaxhimin e qëndrueshëm të ujit dhe kanalizimeve për të gjithë është një objektiv i lartë. Në mbarë...
The Philippines is home to around twenty five million of the 2.3 billion people worldwide who lack access to a basic sanitation service. Poor sanitation has enormous economic and human costs. The spread...
The Sustainable Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project of Nicaragua aims to: (a) to increase the access to sustainable WSS services in selected poor rural areas of Nicaragua through the consolidation...
The Sustainable Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project of Nicaragua aims to: (a) to increase the access to sustainable WSS services in selected poor rural areas of Nicaragua through the consolidation...
Providing sustainable water supply and sanitation (WSS) services in developing countries remains an immense, and increasingly urgent, challenge. Chapter two sets out how the sector is currently funded...
The Sustainable Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project of Nicaragua aims to: (a) to increase the access to sustainable WSS services in selected poor rural areas of Nicaragua through the consolidation...