Pakistan consistently ranks among the top 10 countries worldwide most affected by climate change. More frequent and extreme weather events are adversely impacting ecosystems, people, and their settlements...
Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF) is an innovative IFC-led, funded by EC program, that is expanding access to insurance for natural disasters and weather risks in developing countries.
L’éducation peut être le moyen de mettre un terme à la pauvreté sur une planète habitable ; il importe toutefois que les responsables de l’action publique agissent dès à présent pour protéger celle-ci...
La educación puede ser la clave para poner fin a la pobreza en un planeta habitable, pero los Gobiernos deben actuar inmediatamente para protegerla. El cambio climático está aumentando la frecuencia y...
Education can be the key to ending poverty in a livable planet, but governments must act now to protect it. Climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as cyclones...
Weather laws typically address the establishment and operation of a national meteorological service (NMS), which is usually granted the exclusive right to issue weather warnings as well as to address issues...
Extreme weather events are increasingly disrupting schooling. Yet, these are underrepresented in the climate change literature. Of 15 review articles on the economic impacts of climate change published...
Due to its unique geographical position, Bangladesh is exposed to extreme weather events like cyclones, floods, and droughts as well as climate change. Prior to this project, unavailability of reliable...
Weather vulnerability is often assessed using historical data, but this can be very misleading in a world of changing climate. Weather refers to short-term atmospheric conditions, while climate is the...
This annual report, which covers the period from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022, has been prepared by the Executive Directors of both the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and...
Rwanda is vulnerable to increasingly frequent climate-induced natural disasters as well as to rising temperatures and changing rainfall patterns. Rwanda’s vulnerability to climate change reflects the economy’s...
This joint NGFS-World Bank note aims to complement existing climate risk assessment literature by providing central banks and prudential supervisory authorities in EMDEs with a practical framework for...
High resolution numerical weather prediction (NWP) is critical for improved forecasting of expected meteorological conditions, especially for extreme events. NMHSs traditionally install high performance...
This brief describes the activities and objectives of the Second Hydrometeorological Services Modernization project (Hydromet-II) project. In September 2013, the Board of Executive Directors of the International...
This brief describes the activities and objectives of the Second Hydrometeorological Services Modernization project (Hydromet-II) project. In September 2013, the Board of Executive Directors of the International...
This news release, dated April 25, 2005, announces the World Bank is hosting a workshop in Vienna from April 26 to 28 to discuss the status of weather forecasting in the countries of Europe and Central...
The World Bank has approved $80 million to help Peru finance emergency reconstruction and repair works in the northern part of the country required as a result of recent weather disturbances. The funds...