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Integration strategies for urban poor areas and disadvantaged communities : integrated intervention tool (English)

For the 2014-2020 programming period, the Government of Romania (GoR) is considering a new approach presented by the European Commission (EC) - community-led local development (CLLD). Through CLLD, empowered communities have the opportunity to directly shape and own the process of local development, during all stages of EU - funded interventions, from concept design through implementation. If Romania ultimately pursues CLLD, the critical task facing...
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Document also available in : Romanian



Anton,Simona; Corad,Ironim Bogdan; Iamandi Cioinaru,Elena Catalina; Man,Titus-Cristian; Moldovan,Sandu Ciprian; Neculau, Georgiana; Stanculescu,Manuela Sofia; Swinkels,Robertus A; Trocea, Andreea.

Integration strategies for urban poor areas and disadvantaged communities : integrated intervention tool (English). Integration strategies for urban marginalized communities Washington, DC: World Bank Group.

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