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Overview skills, not just diplomas : managing education for results in Eastern Europe and Central Asia : Przegląd umiejętności, nie tylko dyplomy : zarządzanie edukacja dla wyników w Europie Wschodniej i Azji Środkowej (Polish)

The countries of Europe and Central Asia (ECA) are currently emerging from the deepest recession suffered by any developing region. Post-crisis conditions are very different from those of preceding years. Financial resources are more limited and more expensive, and export growth is restrained by potentially slower growth in destination countries. Restoring and sustaining growth in this context require reforms that boost competitiveness and increase...
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Abu-Ghaida,Dina N.; Bodewig,Christian; Murthi,Mamta; Rutkowski,Jan Jerzy; Sondergaard,Lars M..

Overview skills, not just diplomas : managing education for results in Eastern Europe and Central Asia : Przegląd umiejętności, nie tylko dyplomy : zarządzanie edukacja dla wyników w Europie Wschodniej i Azji Środkowej (Polish). Directions in development|human development Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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