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Assessment of VSS’s Voluntary Pension Scheme and Policy Recommendations (الإنجليزية)

Vietnam is a country on the cusp of a dramatic ageing of the population. It has an ambitious goal of expanding contributor coverage to 60 percent of the labor force and beneficiary coverage to 60 percent of people beyond retirement age, by 2030. Realizing these goals will likely be difficult without greater policy innovation and public spending. Without a major shift in pension policy, the contrast between the pension "haves" and "have nots" will...
انظر المزيد


  • 2022/5/12

  • تقرير

  • 171508

  • 1

  • Viet Nam,

  • شرق آسيا والمحيط الهادئ,

  • 2022/5/13

  • Disclosed

  • Assessment of VSS’s Voluntary Pension Scheme and Policy Recommendations

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