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Cash or In-Kind Transfers : Do Outcomes Vary According to Transfer Modality? (الإنجليزية)

Cash transfers in general appear to be more effective than in-kind transfers or vouchers at improving a range of outcomes, including decreasing monetary poverty, improving health and nutrition, and increasing food security, across diverse country contexts, program objectives, and design features. However, identifying a superior modality is challenging due to the heterogeneity in context, program design, and objectives of the studies reviewed, despite...
انظر المزيد


  • 2024/3/01

  • مذكرة موجزة

  • 191207

  • 1

  • العالم,

  • أخرى,

  • 2024/6/14

  • Disclosed

  • Cash or In-Kind Transfers : Do Outcomes Vary According to Transfer Modality?

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