The report on the indexation of benefits within the adaptive social protection (ASP) framework underscores the importance of linking cash transfers to inflation to maintain their adequacy amidst changing...
This brief examines the effects of varying cash transfer values on outcomes by reviewing the evidence since 2016, inclusive of the COVID-19 pandemic. For the purposes of this brief and based on the sample...
Cash transfers in general appear to be more effective than in-kind transfers or vouchers at improving a range of outcomes, including decreasing monetary poverty, improving health and nutrition, and increasing...
Cash-transfer payment mechanisms abound and have diversified greatly in recent years. Payments can be made manually (in person) on a set schedule at a brick-and-mortar location such as a bank, post office...
To help policy makers make practical programmatic design choices, this series summarizes recent literature on cash transfers and explains how the design of cash transfer programs can affect outcomes. The...
Studies from 2016 on demonstrate that the impact of cash transfers varies based on duration, depending on whether they are distributed over a short (24 months or less) or long (more than 24 months) period...
A growing body of evidence finds that cash transfers reduce intimate partner violence (IPV) in various contexts, even when the cash transfer was not designed to do so. The effects are comparable with standalone...
The multiplier effects of cash transfers are receiving renewed attention globally. The existence of multipliers — or the generation of additional dollars for every one dollar injected as cash transfers...
Energy subsidies, which have a long history of use by governments around the world, have been rising in recent years after a brief period of decline. Despite their significant wider costs, subsidies are...
Between December 2022 and May 2023, the number of social protection and other related measures announced or implemented in response to inflation rose by about 31 percent. The latest tally includes 1,333...
Between September and December 2022, the number of social protection and other related measures announced or implemented in response to inflation rose by about 67%. The latest tally includes 1,016 responses...
Between July and September 2022, the number of social protection and other related measures announced or implemented in response to inflation rose by about 62 percent. The latest tally includes 609 responses...
Is Coronavirus (Covid-19) a “game changer” for cash transfers? This tantalizing question has animated a large body of recent literature and over 60 virtual panels. This paper offers some clues to address...
This note provides an update of social protection and related measures in Ukraine and for displaced Ukrainian populations in a variety of countries. Previous versions of the note were published on March...
As of April 8, 2022, a total of 519 measures were identified in 39 countries. Such level of measures represents an increase by nearly 70 percent since March 18th . This third version of the tracker now...
As of April 8, 2022, a total of 519 measures were identified in 39 countries. Such level of measures represents an increase by nearly 70 percent since March 18th . This third version of the tracker now...
As of April 8, 2022, a total of 519 measures were identified in 39 countries. Such level of measures represents an increase by nearly 70 percent since March 18th . This third version of the tracker now...