Western and Central Africa - WESTERN AND
CENTRAL AFRICA- P172769- West Africa Food System Resilience
Program (FSRP) - Procurement Plan
3W-West Africa Food System Resilience
Program (Fsrp) -- P172769
Rural Markets,Disaster Preparedness,Mitigation,Gender,Human Development and Gender,Food Security,Rural Development,Environment and Natural Resource Management,Disease Control,Private Sector Development,Pandemic Response,Rural Infrastructure and service delivery,Climate change,Urban and Rural Development,Landscape Management,Adaptation,Renewable Natural Resources Asset Management,Nutrition and Food Security,Disaster Risk Management,Public Private Partnerships
Public Administration - Agriculture, Fishing
& Forestry,Agricultural Extension, Research, and Other
Support Activities,Other Industry, Trade and Services
TF0B8061-Food Systems Resilience in West
Africa, Co-financing to the Permanent I,TF0B8062-Food Systems Resilience in West
Africa, Co-financing to the West and Ce,TF0B8063-Food Systems Resilience in West
Africa, Co-financing to the Economic Co,TF0C2206-Additional Financing to West
Africa Food Systems Resilience Program, Ph,TF0C3330-Continued Support to ECOWAS for
Fertilizer Dialogue in West Africa,TF0B2850-AFRI RES Support to FSRP,TF0B3613-FSRP Scoping,TF0B5075-GAFSP Preparation and
Supervision for Burkina Faso Food System Resilien,TF0B6854-Support for the implementation
of emission-reducing sustainable agricul,TF0B7227-Sustainable Agriculture
Intensification for Food and Nutrition Security,TF0B7895-Food Systems Resilience in West
Africa, Co-financing to Regional Organi,TF0B7896-Bank Supervision of Food
Systems Resilience in West Africa, Co-financin,TF0B8255-Food Systems Resilience in West
Africa, Co-financing to the Permanent-2,TF0B8256-Food Systems Resilience in West
Africa, Co-financing to the Economic C-,TF0B8257-Food Systems Resilience in West
Africa, Co-financing to the West and C-,TF0B9210-Bank Executed: Risk Transfer
Solutions for Building Financial Resilienc,TF0B9536-Recipient Executed: Risk
Transfer Solutions for Building Financial Resi,TF0C1334-Support to ECOWAS for
Fertilizer Dialogue in West Africa,TF0C1465-Support the preparation and
implementation support of the Togo GAFSP We,TF0C1609-Improving Soil Health and
Fertility in West Africa,TF0C1639-Support the Development of
Burkina Faso Food Security Crisis Preparedne,TF0C1954-Support the Development of
Burkina Faso Food Security Crisis Preparedn-