Kyrgyz Republic - Climate Resilient Water Services Project (الإنجليزية)
The development objective of Climate Resilient Water Services Project for Kyrgyz Republic is to (i) increase access to climate-resilient water services in selected river basins, and (ii) strengthen institutional capacities for climate-resilient water management at the local and national levels. This project has four components. 1) The first component, Infrastructure Investments and Service Improvements, has the following sub-components: (i) Water...
Kyrgyz Republic - Climate Resilient Water Services Project
food and agricultural
KG-Climate Resilient Water Services Project -- P173734
FY17 - Water, Sanitation and Waste Management
FY17 - Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry
FY17 - Adaptation,FY17 - Rural Infrastructure and service delivery,FY17 - Watershed Management,FY17 - Flood and Drought Risk Management,FY17 - Soil Pollution,FY17 - Renewable Natural Resources Asset Management,FY17 - Rural Water and Sanitation,FY17 - Disaster Risk Management,FY17 - Climate change,FY17 - Mitigation,FY17 - Rural Development,FY17 - Data production, accessibility and use,FY17 - Gender,FY17 - Water Pollution,FY17 - Environmental Health and Pollution Management,FY17 - Data Development and Capacity Building
FY17 - Other Water Supply, Sanitation and Waste Management,FY17 - Public Administration - Water, Sanitation and Waste Management,FY17 - Water Supply,FY17 - Irrigation and Drainage
TF0B3890-Support for Preparation of Water Security and Water Quality Project