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Youth employment in Sub-Saharan Africa : Overview (الإنجليزية)

Sub-Saharan Africa has just experienced one of the best decades of growth since the 1960s. Between 2000 and 2012, gross domestic product (GDP) grew more than 4.5 percent a year on average, compared to around 2 percent in the prior 20 years (World Bank various years). In 2012, the region's GDP growth was estimated at 4.7 percent- 5.8 percent if South Africa is excluded (World Bank 2013). About one-quarter of countries in the region grew at 7 ...
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الوثيقة أيضا متوفرة بـ French


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نسخة رسمية من الوثيقة (قد تضم توقيعات، الخ)

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