Recent public sector reforms have shifted responsibility for public service delivery to local governments, yet little is known about how their management practices or behavior shape performance. This study...
This paper evaluates different policy instruments to increase demand for gender equality in formal land ownership among married couples in rural Uganda. The authors do so in the context of a land titling...
This study evaluates the impacts of low-cost, performance-based incentives in Tanzanian secondary schools. Results from a two-phase randomized trial show that incentives for teachers led to modest average...
Traditional customary land tenure systems often limit women’s land rights in Sub-Saharan Africa.In an ongoing experiment in rural Uganda, we offered households fully-subsidized land titles and basic information...
Economic theory of public bureaucracies as complex organizations predicts that bureaucratic productivity can be shaped by the selection of different types of agents, beyond their incentives. This theory...
Empirical literature on digital technologies for student learning is generally unable to identify separately whether learning gains arise from reciprocity in response to the gift of a valuable gadget (the...
Do teachers have accurate beliefs about their effort and ability? This paper explores this through a survey experiment in public-private partnership schools in Uganda, wherein teacher self-beliefs are...
This paper estimates the short-term, partial-equilibrium impacts of a public-private partnership program for low-cost private secondary schools in Uganda. The public-private partnership program is part...
This brief summarizes the results of a gender impact evaluation study, entitled Mobile phone technologies improve adherence to antiretroviral treatment in a resource-limited setting : a randomized controlled...
The authors show that pregnant women whose first clinic visit coincides with the nurse’s attendance are 58 percentage points more likely to test for HIV and 46 percent more likely to deliver in a hospital...
Empirical studies of the relationship between school inputs and test scores typically do not account for household responses to changes in school inputs. Evidence from India and Zambia shows that student...
Empirical studies of the relationship between school inputs and test scores typically do not account for the fact that households will respond to changes in school inputs. This paper presents a dynamic...
The corruption that often captures newspaper headlines and provokes worldwide public disapproval is dominated by loud 'big-time corruption,' notably administrative and political corruption at the highest...
This is an essay from the Africa Development Indicators 2010. The corruption that often captures newspaper headlines and provokes worldwide public disapproval is dominated by loud "big-time corruption,"...
This is an essay from the Africa Development Indicators 2010. The corruption that often captures newspaper headlines and provokes worldwide public disapproval is dominated by loud "big-time corruption,"...
The objective of the South Africa Investment Climate Assessment (ICA) is to evaluate the investment climate in South Africa in all its operational dimensions and to promote policies to strengthen the private...
The objective of the South Africa Investment Climate Assessment (ICA) is to evaluate the investment climate in South Africa in all its operational dimensions and promote policies to strengthen the private...
The Zambian Investment Climate Assessment (ICA) was conducted to support the Zambian economy as it diversifies away from dependence on volatile copper extraction and enhances the competitiveness of its...
Malagasy's private sector suffers from low productivity, particularly for non-EPZ firms, and a poor business environment which affects the sector as a whole. Export processing zone (EPZ) firms, however...
This report provides an assessment of Madagascar's investment climate, based on a detailed survey of 293 enterprises in the manufacturing sector across Madagascar. Smaller surveys were conducted on tourism...