Most research institutes have been exposed to demands for cooperation with industry for the last two decades. Many universities, however, have realized the need to cooperate with industry only recently...
World Bank support for higher education grew from an average of 17% of lending for education between 1963 and 1970 to 37% of lending since 1986. Although higher education's share fell from 43% in the early...
This paper outlines a framework for costing tests. The approach is to outline the processes and procedures involved constructing, administering, scoring and reporting high-quality tests. The framework...
This annotated bibliography features recent books, articles and unpublished papers that were consulted in connection with the preparation of a general background paper entitled "Secondary Education in...
The objective of this study is not to promote or criticize the use of the credit system, but rather to analyze its potential as an approach which developing countries could consider to improve the quality...
This paper reviews the current use of performance indicators in higher education institutions in industrialized and developing countries, and examines the factors that influence the use of indicators...
Priorities for educational development have evolved markedly in recent years. The themes that currently dominate the agenda are: quality improvement; resource diversification; decentralization; decentralization...
Human resources are a country's wealth, and it is people that make economies grow. A longstanding commitment to education and health has been key to economic growth and development in countries worldwide...
This paper tries to shed light on the question: to what extent can the cost associated with investments in improvements in quality of learning outcomes be recuperated through efficiency gains derived from...
This paper examines the challenge of developing educational assessments. It defines and describes educational assessments and attempts to provide insight into building assessment and educational research...
Language policies affecting scientific education and research have important implications for educational efficiency and effectiveness. An analysis of the role of European and other languages in science...
Development of private higher education in Africa has been constrained by poverty and by extrapolation of the colonial experience that private involvement exacerbates inequalities in educational provision...
Monitoring educational progress requires data on both student learning and determinants of achievement. It also requires measures of learning achievement that can provide information on trends over time...
This paper looks at the challenge faced by higher education systems in developing countries in terms of their capacity to meet the economy's needs for scientific training and research. It explores various...
The World Bank is today the leading development agency in the education and training sector. It has tripled funding for the sector since the mid-eighties, serves as an important source of analytical and...
The Bank has managed economic restructuring programs since the early 1980s. These are designed to increase output, employment, and the standard of living by removing rigidities and improving the efficiency...
This paper examines five methods used to collect or estimate the information needed to monitor the flow of a cohort of students through a cycle of education. Two of these five methods -- the True Pupil...
This collection of papers compiles more recent data on the status of women's education in the developing world, organized by region, and links this information to development indicators, including income...
The main purpose of this paper is to review : a) definitions, interpretations, data needs, and pitfalls in using enrollment ratios and student flow rates (intake, promotion, repetition, dropout and graduation...
This paper looks at the current higher education crisis in developing countries and discusses how problems are analyzed and decisions made in the context of higher education reform. It focuses in particular...