The new microfinance handbook provides a primer on financial services for the poor. It is written for a wide audience, including practitioners, facilitators, policy makers, regulators, investors, and donors...
The paper is arranged in six sections: an update describing how modern microfinance operates in Bangladesh; explanations of why growth was so aggressive from 2002 to 2007; the story of how Microfinance...
The paper is arranged in six sections: an update describing how modern microfinance operates in Bangladesh; explanations of why growth was so aggressive from 2002 to 2007; the story of how Microfinance...
The new microfinance handbook provides a primer on financial services for the poor. It is written for a wide audience, including practitioners, facilitators, policy makers, regulators, investors, and donors...
In South Asia, the modern microfinance movement was born in Bangladesh in the 1970s as a response to the prevailing poverty conditions among its vast rural population. Astonishing growth rates in Bangladesh...
من "عهد الائتمان الزراعي" (من خمسينيات إلى سبعينيات القرن العشرين) إلى "عصر المشاريع الصغرى"، كانت صورة الفقراء البارزة تمثل الدعامة التي ترتكز عليها الترتيبات المؤسسية وتصميمات المنتجات التي كانت تُميز...
From the 'agricultural credit era' (1950s-1970s) through the 'micro-enterprise era', institutional arrangements and product designs that characterized financial services to the poor were underpinned by...
From the 'agricultural credit era' (1950s-1970s) through the 'micro-enterprise era', institutional arrangements and product designs that characterized financial services to the poor were underpinned by...
From the 'agricultural credit era' (1950s-1970s) through the 'micro-enterprise era', institutional arrangements and product designs that characterized financial services to the poor were underpinned by...