Pension systems and pension system reforms are some of the most contentious reforms that governments undertake globally. In addition, they, like civil service reform, are designed and elaborated by the...
Sierra Leone’s macroeconomic performance continued to improve but at a slower pace. Macroeconomic imbalances are also of great concern despite recent improvements in the balance sheet of the central government...
Disability is a complex, evolving and multidimensional concept. According to the World Disability report (2011), disability will be an even greater concern as its prevalence is on the rise due to Ageing...
The paper summarizes the main factors behind the projected increase civil service pension costs in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). It discusses the benefits and potential downsides to unifying civil service...
The highlights on Conflict to peace describes the importance of Post-conflict cash benefitsare necessary to restore social balances after longperiods of civil unrest orwar and are part of there conciliation...
The pension and old age security systems that originated in Europe in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries have been effective in sharply reducing poverty rates among the elderly throughout Europe. However...
The pension and old age security systems that originated in Europe in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries have been effective in sharply reducing poverty rates among the elderly throughout Europe. However...
Besides affecting the private sector, the current global economic downturn will likely have a far-reaching impact on government revenues around the world. As country budgets are squeezed tight, social...
Besides affecting the private sector, the current global economic downturn will likely have a far-reaching impact on government revenues around the world. As country budgets are squeezed tight, social...
This study explores public finance policies in the transition countries of Europe and Central Asia (ECA) and their likely effects on economic growth. The analysis is organized in three parts. Part one...
The pension systems in southeastern Europe, which here is defined to include Albania, Bosnia, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia, are facing a wide variety of interrelated problems. Contribution rates are...
This social insurance review on Albania will focus largely on pensions, given that they are the largest component of the payroll tax and the largest expenditure item by far. The problems of the pension...
This social insurance review on Albania will focus largely on pensions, given that they are the largest component of the payroll tax and the largest expenditure item by far. The problems of the pension...
The book has a comprehensive introduction and two main parts. Part I presents the conceptual underpinnings for the Bank's thinking on pension systems and reforms, including structure of Bank lending in...
The book has a comprehensive introduction and two main parts. Part I presents the conceptual underpinnings for the Bank's thinking on pension systems and reforms, including structure of Bank lending in...
The book has a comprehensive introduction and two main parts. Part I presents the conceptual underpinnings for the Bank's thinking on pension systems and reforms, including structure of Bank lending in...
The book has a comprehensive introduction and two main parts. Part I presents the conceptual underpinnings for the Bank's thinking on pension systems and reforms, including structure of Bank lending in...