This is the tenth edition of the Republic of Congo Economic Update. Each edition of this annual report presents an overview of the Republic of Congo’s (ROC) evolving macroeconomic position, followed by...
This is the tenth edition of the Republic of Congo Economic Update. Each edition of this annual report presents an overview of the Republic of Congo’s (ROC) evolving macroeconomic position, followed by...
This Country Economic Memorandum (CEM) contributes to the Government’s diversification agenda by identifying and advocating key policies and reforms to build the foundations for more diversified development...
The Republic of Congo is the third–largest crude oil producer in Sub–Saharan Africa after Nigeria and Angola and is heavily dependent on oil production and oil exports. With a population of 5.5 million...
This Country Economic Memorandum (CEM) contributes to the Government’s diversification agenda by identifying and advocating key policies and reforms to build the foundations for more diversified development...
The Republic of Congo is the third–largest crude oil producer in Sub–Saharan Africa after Nigeria and Angola and is heavily dependent on oil production and oil exports. With a population of 5.5 million...
This is the ninth edition of the Republic of Congo economic update. Each edition of this annual report presents an overview of the Republic of Congo (ROC) evolving macroeconomic position, followed by a...
Le présent ouvrage constitue la neuvième édition du rapport de suivi de la situation économique de la République du Congo. Chaque édition de ce rapport annuel présente un aperçu de l’évolution de la situation...
The economic recovery in the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (Communauté Économique et Monétaire de l’Afrique Centrale, CEMAC) has been weak amid modest hydrocarbon production. Higher...
La reprise économique dans la Communauté économique et monétaire de l’Afrique centrale (CEMAC) a été faible dans un contexte de production modeste d’hydrocarbures. La hausse des prix du pétrole n’a pas...
Les économies de la Communauté Économique et Monétaire de l’Afrique Centrale (CEMAC) se redressent lentement, aidées par une demande extérieure plus forte et des prix du pétrole plus élevés. Toutefois...
Economies in the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (Communaute Economique et Monetaire de l’Afrique Centrale, CEMAC) are recovering slowly, helped by stronger external demand and higher...
The CEMAC Quarterly Economic Update (QEU) presents an overall global and regional quarterly update, with country-by-country recent developments and outlook. The global economic recovery is continuing even...
The CEMAC Quarterly Economic Update (QEU) presents an overall global and regional quarterly update, with country-by-country recent developments and outlook. The global economic recovery is continuing even...
The special topic of this edition of the Macroeconomic Monitoring report focuses on the TC administration’s ‘public’ financial support to the agriculture sector. Due to the Turkish lira depreciation, the...
Following an unprecedented exchange-rate depreciation in 2018 that hammered both the Turkish and the Turkish Cypriot (TC) economies, the previous economic recovery in the TC economy collapsed. The fiscal...