This report is on the secondary education in Ethiopia. The report analyzes the challenges of secondary education in the context of the government's growth and transformation plan and its stated goal of...
The challenges of education development in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) at the beginning of the 21st century are urgent and unprecedented. Faced with persistent gaps in the coverage of primary schooling, almost...
Curriculum reforms first and foremost should focus on improving the current teaching and learning processes. As a systemic challenge, these changes need to include re-orientation from secondary education...
The purpose of this study, educations for all has led to a significant increase in the number of students completing primary education in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). It has also created tremendous demand...
Priorities for educational development have evolved markedly in recent years. The themes that currently dominate the agenda are: quality improvement; resource diversification; decentralization; decentralization...
Primary education is a building block not only for further education but for the future. Economic and social progress depend on a thinking population and a literate, numerate labor force that can acquire...
The author traces the development of the World Bank's lending policies for education and draws lessons and recommendations from the Bank's experience. The Bank's lending for primary education has supported...
Hit hard by a decade of economic adversity, and facing a pernicious combination of high population growth and limited financial resources, many developing countries must struggle merely to maintain present...
The World Bank has supported a broad spectrum of educational reform programs. The outcomes of many of these programs have been mixed. A review of Bank experience found that the most successful programs...
Uncertainty and instability in the implementation environment, and higher levels of innovation in objectives and strategies, have combined to increase the difficulty of development project management in...
This paper reviews the scope and the nature of World Bank support for programs aiming at educational quality improvement and change, during the period 1963-1984. Support for educational change represents...
Although heavy investments have been made over the years in the education sector by both governments and international donor agencies, there still remain many questions that arise regarding the quality...
The nature of the Bank's education portfolio is gradually changing. As a result of this change there has been a shift away from the earlier emphasis on the infrastructure sectors as a model for project...