The construction sector has a major role in economic growth, with the industry's activities affecting nearly every aspect of the economy. It is forecasted that the volume of construction output will grow...
The construction sector has a major role in economic growth, with the industry's activities affecting nearly every aspect of the economy. It is forecasted that the volume of construction output will grow...
Denmark consists of the Jutland peninsula and more than 400 islands, which represents more than 7300 km of coastline. The Western coast of Jutland faces the North Sea and is made up of sandy beaches in...
The energy strategy of the Government of Ukraine calls for a quadrupling of renewable energy by 2030. It is estimated that this target can be met primarily through biomass, with smaller contributions from...
This corporate governance case study includes: the summarized facts of a hypothetical business entity, developing the business case, background information on the entity, structure of the business entity...
This case addresses the impact of national and local labor regulations as well as informal labor practices upon business in Serang district. The national labor law, manpower act 13/2003, raised severance...
The aim of this paper is to learn from the policy experience of Zambia. The government's intensive policy efforts during the 1980's were aimed at economic recovery. President Kaunda abandoned these efforts...
The project was designed to support two of the governments high priority programs in rural development. These were: administrative reorganization and decentralization of public sector development program;...