This note analyzes the benefits of ECOWAS Common External Tariff (CET) and Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) will outweigh costs in Nigeria, but competitiveness is the real issue. After decade-long...
This note analyzes domestic obstacles to trade and transport in Nigeria and their impact on competitiveness. Among other sources, the note uses data collected during a field study on livestock and leather...
Informal trade supports the livelihood of hundreds of thousands of households in Africa, reaches markets and clients that are underserved by formal channels, and contributes to regional food security...
Tourism is one of the key industries driving the current economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). From a small base of just 6.7 million visitors in 1990, SSA attracted 33.8 million visitors in 2012...
The Port of Cotonou is of primary importance to economic growth and diversification in Benin. Furthermore, given its key geographic location as a port serving Niger and other land-locked countries to its...
Eru, a vegetable found in the forest, plays an important role in trade between countries in West and Central Africa, especially between Cameroon and Nigeria. This note analyses the environment for trade...
Eru, a vegetable found in the forest, plays an important role in trade between countries in West and Central Africa, especially between Cameroon and Nigeria. This note analyses the environment for trade...
This note outlines the critical barriers that constrain trade between Nigeria and Cameroon, describes the practical norms that have emerged as a response to those constraints, and recommends key reforms...
Rising prices for basic food products are back in the headlines and when food prices go up poor consumers in Africa, who spend the majority of their income on simple foodstuffs, suffer. Rising food prices...
The Port of Dar Es Salaam, the second largest in East Africa after Mombasa, is one of the least efficient on the planet, hindering trade and economic expansion not just for Tanzania but also for neighboring...
Africa is not achieving its potential in food trade. The growing demand for food in Africa is increasingly being met by imports from the global market. This coupled with rising global food prices is leading...
This note uses a value chain perspective to show how the cost of complying with regional trade requirements affects agriculture competitiveness and rural incomes. On the one hand, phytosanitary rules...
One approach to improve the trade environment for food staples that has gained considerable momentum and widespread support in recent years has been to harmonize quality standards across countries and...
One approach to improve the trade environment for food staples that has gained considerable momentum and widespread support in recent years has been to harmonize quality standards across countries and...
Export diversification and expansion is an integral part of the Government of Tanzania's trade and competitiveness strategy. Nontraditional agricultural exports, notably in fish and horticulture products...
Ample anecdotal evidence summarized in, inter alia, Gillson (2011) and Charalambides and Gillson (2011) suggests that non-tariff measures (NTMs), whether protectionist in intent or not, raise trade costs...
Global markets offer important opportunities for companies in developing countries. By exporting to larger markets, the companies can increase production, growth, and employment at a faster pace than by...
This note outlines the critical barriers that constrain trade between Nigeria and Cameroon, describes the practical norms that have emerged as a response to those constraints, and recommends key reforms...
Global markets offer important opportunities for companies in developing countries. By exporting to larger markets, the companies can increase production, growth, and employment at a faster pace than by...
Nigeria currently prohibits importation of 24 groups of items. These include a range of food products, certain medicines, industrial products such as glass bottles and textile fabrics and consumer products...