The informal use of untreated wastewater for agricultural irrigation, either through direct application or diluted in natural waterways, is standard practice in Bolivia. At least 5,000 hectares of land...
The informal use of untreated wastewater for agricultural irrigation, either through direct application or diluted in natural waterways, is standard practice in Bolivia. At least 5,000 hectares of land...
This document aims to share lessons learned from the implementation of the World Bank financed component of the rural water supply and sanitation project (EPAR) in the Sud region after its final evaluation...
This document aims to share lessons learned from the implementation of the World Bank financed component of the rural water supply and sanitation project (EPAR) in the Sud region after its final evaluation...
Inadequate access to sanitation remains a persistent issue, affecting the lives of millions of children and families especially in poor and rural communities throughout the world. In Indonesia, efforts...
Although India is now included in the front ranks of rapidly growing emerging economies, it is also paradoxically home to the majority of people defecating in the open in the world (joint monitoring program...
The Water and Sanitation Program (WSP)-supported Sanitation Marketing Pilot Project is one of a range of sanitation marketing initiatives applying the sanitation marketing approach to the rural Cambodian...
The introduction of the Citizen Report Card (CRC) tool in three Kenyan cities formed a basis for dialogue between citizenry and decision makers on urban water and sanitation issues. The CRC replicates...
At national level, program efforts focused on advocacy for, and support to, sanitation policy and strategy development, improved sector coordination and the establishment of an investment framework. At...
This field note describes two Southeast Asian programs that are making handwashing a feature of everyday lives on a national scale: the Handwashing Initiative (HWI) in Vietnam, which has reached nearly...
Bangladesh depended on shallow tubewell technology for provision of irrigation and rural domestic water supply for years. Following the detection 01 widespread arsenic contamination in shallow aquifers...
Water utilities in Pakistan face a number of challenges as they struggle to provide efficient and reliable water and sanitation services to their consumers. Lack of sector policy, poor governance, weak...
This field note highlights the key messages and actions that emerged from the Practitioners' workshop on sustainable management of small piped water systems in Africa held in Maputo, Mozambique from October...
This field note highlights the key messages and actions that emerged from the Practitioners' workshop on sustainable management of small piped water systems in Africa held in Maputo, Mozambique from October...
This field note reviews the first generation of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) for small piped water schemes in seven countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Rwanda and Senegal. The...
This field note reviews the first generation of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) for small piped water schemes in seven countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Rwanda and Senegal. The...
This paper reviews the delegation of management of water service for networks of water supply schemes (AEP) in rural and semi urban areas in seven countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger...
This field note discusses the risks of climate change and the adaptation measures that need to be taken to minimize these risks. Adaptation can be seen as an opportunity to improve current systems of working...
Safe water is critical to preventing diarrheal disease, which kills nearly two million children annually. A promising household water treatment technology is the BioSand Filter (BSF), an intermittent slow...
In cities and towns, private firms and individuals receive contracts to build, operate, and maintain municipal water supplies as an alternative to day-to-day management by local government or user organizations...