Addressing youth unemployment is an important policy issue globally. Vulnerable youth are burdened not just by unemployment but a dual cycle of poverty and despair which constrains their future life outcomes...
This report aims to identify strategic actions to increase investment in NBS for climate resilience in SSA by evaluating over a decade of NBS project investment and assessing a range of policy, financial...
في عام 1997 ، تجمع آلاف الأشخاص في مراكش ، المغرب ، في أول منتدى عالمي للمياه لمعالجة مشكلة ملحة: أزمة المياه العالمية. وأسفر الاجتماع عن إعلان مراكش، وهو تعهد دعا المجلس العالمي للمياه إلى تطوير "رؤية...
В 1997 году тысячи людей собрались в Марракеше (Марокко) на первый Всемирный водный форум, чтобы обсудить насущную проблему: глобальный водный кризис. По итогам встречи была принята Марракешская декларация...
En 1997, miles de personas se reunieron en Marrakech, Marruecos, para el primer Foro Mundial del Agua para abordar un problema urgente: la crisis mundial del agua. La reunión dio lugar a la Declaración...
1997 年,数千人聚集在摩洛哥马拉喀什,参加首届世界水论坛,以解决一个紧迫的问题:全球水危机。会议产生了《马拉喀什宣言》,该宣言呼吁世界水理事会制定 21 世纪的“世界水愿景”。2024 年,数千人将齐聚印度尼西亚巴厘岛,参加第 10 届世界水论坛。印度尼西亚和摩洛哥在许多方面都是天壤之别。作为世界上最大的群岛,印度尼西亚四面环水。另一方面,摩洛哥部分被世界上最大的炎热沙漠撒哈拉沙漠占据。然而,这些(以及许多其他)国家都有一个共同的现实,那就是水资源紧张。第十届世界水论坛邀请人们思考印度尼西亚和摩洛哥等不同国家的集体水问题,并在它们之间找到相似之处。但这也是关于寻找解决方案的本报告做出了三个主要贡献。它...
En 1997, des milliers de personnes se sont réunies à Marrakech au Maroc dans le cadre du premier Forum mondial de l’eau qui était consacré à un problème urgent, à savoir la crise mondiale de l’eau. Cette...
Pada tahun 1997, ribuan orang berkumpul di Marrakesh, Maroko, untuk Forum Air Dunia pertama untuk mengatasi masalah yang mendesak: krisis air global. Pertemuan tersebut menghasilkan Deklarasi Marrakech...
The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector finds itself at a pivotal moment while propelling digital transformation across the globe, it is also contributing to climate change. In almost...
This report is a review of GRADEs conducted since 2015, and GRADE’s efficiency, comparative advantage through detailed analysis, and future. First, the GRADE approach and how it has been used and evolved...
Are firms adapting to climate change? This paper studies this question by combining geocoded World Bank Enterprise Survey data with spatially granular weather data to estimate temperature response functions...
The representation and significance of women in the labor force have grown significantly over the past five decades around the globe. Using nationally representative data from more than 90 countries, this...
تقدم هذه الموجزة إطارًا واسعًا يحدد أنواع الأنشطة التقييمية التي يجب على المعلمين تنفيذها في الفصل الدراسي؛ تغطي المبادئ الرئيسية في أطر التقييم في الفصل الدراسي ومحتويات التقييم التي تعكس مبادئ المنهج...
This volume is an Overview of the 2024 Results and Performance of the World Bank Group report – also known as the RAP– the fourteenth annual report in the series. The RAP series aggregates and interprets...
The 2024 Results and Performance of the World Bank Group report – also known as the RAP– is the fourteenth annual report in the series. The RAP series aggregates and interprets evidence on World Bank Group...
The Case for Cycling Infrastructure Investments presents CyclingMax, a cost-benefit analysis tool designed to assist decision-makers in evaluating investments in cycling infrastructure. The report highlights...
This report builds on a joint WHO-World Bank initiative on budget execution challenges (described in more detail in Appendix 1). Following the introduction, section 2 provides an overview of core concepts...
L’impact mondial du changement climatique n’a jamais été si omnipresent ni dévastateur, provoquant aux quatre coins de la planète des phénomènes extrêmes allant de la fonte des glaces aux inondations...
In December 2022, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) redefined platforms as a mechanism for scaling new business development. This is an early-stage evaluation assessing IFC’s platforms approach...