This report aims to help policymakers identify key growth opportunities and offers recommendations for building the capabilities needed to realize them. Chapter 1 analyzes growth trends across three key...
The Red Sea crisis has emerged as a critical flashpoint of the conflict in the Middle East, upending global trade and maritime transport, port activity in the MENA region, and ecological balance of the...
Robust domestic demand fueled an uptick in manufacturing activity and a rebound in imports of goods and services. Meanwhile, goods exports stagnated because of muted demand for Philippine electronics while...
Driven by agriculture growth, a positive trade balance, and strong private consumption, 2023 Brazil’s GDP growth was 2.9 percent, higher than expected at the beginning of the year but lower than in 2022...
Pada 5,1 persen pada Q1-2024, pertumbuhan PDB tetap tangguh melampaui rata-rata negara berpenghasilan menengah. Konsumsi swasta yang kuat menyumbang 57 persen dari pertumbuhan PDB. Hal ini mencerminkan...
At 5.1 percent in Q1-2024, GDP growth remains resilient surpassing the middle-income countries’ average. Robust private consumption accounted for 57 percent of GDP growth. This reflects consumer confidence...
After several years of negative shocks, global growth is expected to hold steady in 2024 and then edge up in the next couple of years, in part aided by cautious monetary policy easing as inflation gradually...
After several years of negative shocks, global growth is expected to hold steady in 2024 and then edge up in the next couple of years, in part aided by cautious monetary policy easing as inflation gradually...
Ghana’s poverty reduction efforts stagnated between 2012 and 2016, followed by a projected increase in poverty due to COVID-19 and the ensuing economic crisis. Ghana’s projections rely on updated methods...
The Philippines Economic Update (PEU) summarizes key economic and social developments, important policy changes, and the evolution of external conditions over the past six months. It also presents findings...
Mongolia has benefited from its mineral wealth, but diversification is now a major priority. But towhat extent is diversificaton possible, and what would it look like? This paper adopts the GrowthIdentfication...
Türkiye’s economic policies helped quickly recover from the COVID pandemic. The policies being implemented since late 2021 were built on loose monetary policy, prudent fiscal policy, boosting exports and...
Economic growth remained strong and resilient at 6.4 percent in 2023 from 6.3 percent in 2022, despite the various shocks the country faced, including adverse climate conditions, policy changes in Nigeria...
Jumpstarting sustained and inclusive growth is the only way to improve the living conditions of the Gambians. Heightened global and regional uncertainties coupled with vulnerability climate shocks cloud...
This report intends to be an input into the government’s strategic vision and policymaking to helpmove Eswatini closer to its ambitious objective of boosting inclusive growth and becoming an upper middle-income...
Este informe ofrece una evaluación de la economía digital de Guinea Ecuatorial como partede la iniciativa Economía Digital para África (DE4A) del Banco Mundial. La iniciativa respalda la implementación...