To make the value proposition work for retail agents, it is important to understand how the role that an MFSP expects them to perform fits within the agent’s existing business. Fit is particularly important...
The mobile money industry keeps asking, what is the value proposition for agents? One want to know what it is going to take to get the agents to put out significant amounts of effort for the MFSP, but...
This paper presents descriptive evidence that although social networks help find jobs, the jobs found through social networks tend to be mismatched. The paper uses nationally representative matched employer-employee...
Digitization is transforming the organization and geography of industries. Once digitized, information can be generated, collected, stored, monitored, analyzed, and processed in ways not previously possible...
High resolution numerical weather prediction (NWP) is critical for improved forecasting of expected meteorological conditions, especially for extreme events. NMHSs traditionally install high performance...
This news release, dated June 26, 1980, announces the World Bank approved a 22 million dollars loan to help develop the telecommunications network in Oman.