Rural-to-urban migration in China has transformed the lives of millions of rural residents. This paper reviews empirical evidence on the impacts of migration on the welfare of individuals and households...
Only one in seven of the world’s population has ever migrated, despite the enormous gains in income possible through international and internal movement. This paper examines the evidence for different...
This paper reviews the recent literature on rural-urban migration in developing countries, focusing on three key questions: What motivates or forces people to migrate? What costs do migrants face? What...
This Note takes a closer look at the scale and nature of internal migration in Ethiopia. While a Population Census offers the best source of data to study internal migration, the most recent Census was...
The result of this study was the research paper, Village Water Supply Economics and Policy in the Developing World, written by Robert J. Sounders and Jeremy J. Warford of the Bank’s Energy, Water and Telecommunications...
This paper uses a unique natural experiment in Chinese villages to investigate whether access to telecommunications-- in particular, landline phones -- increases the likelihood of outmigration. By using...
Do rural areas benefit when their residents migrate to cities? A new national identity card and a program to facilitate legal temporary residence in the cities have made migration easier for rural residents...
The authors examine the importance of absolute income and relative deprivation incentives for internal and international migration in developing country households. Empirical results, based on Mexican...
Remittances by migrants, along with migration itself, are elements in a migrant-family's intertemporal contractual arrangement. This paper discusses the reasons why the migrant and his family voluntarily...
The paper concludes with tentative results on large farmers, landless workers and landowners of various types of scenarios involving income effects of food price changes, food aid, reduced population growth...
Regional inequalities, spatial biases of national policies, and the problem of metropolitan area externalities are examined. Achieving particular city or metropolitan area sizes or trying to meet particular...