Interventions targeting early childhood hold promise for reducing the intergenerational transmission of poverty. Results from a randomized evaluation of a preschool construction program in Cambodia suggest...
This study analyzed the impact of a community-based preschool program on child development and schooling outcomes in high-poverty areas of rural Mozambique. Preschools were randomly assigned to 30 of 76...
Investments in very young children, limiting exposure to disease, ensuring adequate nutrients, and stimulating the young child, yield returns across the lifecycle. Stunting, excessively low height-for-age...
Early Childhood Development (ECD) is a holistic concept that refers to the physical, cognitive, socio-emotional, and linguistic development of young children until the time they transition to primary school...
This bulletin showcases a World Bank supported study in Cambodia, where researchers set out to study the effects of scholarships on encouraging primary school students to continue their studies in lower...
This bulletin showcases a World Bank supported study in Cambodia, where researchers set out to study the effects of scholarships on encouraging primary school students to continue their studies in lower...
How can we help kids reach their full potential? Experts know that the first years of life are crucial to healthy development. And that's just the start. Children need regular mental and physical stimulation...
Scaling up early childhood development services has the potential to increase children's cognitive and socio-emotional development and promote school readiness in a large segment of the population. This...
How can we help kids reach their full potential? Experts know that the first years of life are crucial to healthy development. And that's just the start. Children need regular mental and physical stimulation...
How can we help kids reach their full potential? Experts know that the first years of life are crucial to healthy development. And that's just the start. Children need regular mental and physical stimulation...
In Mozambique, net primary school enrollment rates increased from 45 percent in 1998 to 95.5 percent by 2010 (The World Bank, 2011). Despite these gains, children frequently experience delayed entry to...
Investing in young children is the responsible thing to do. All children deserve a chance to grow into healthy, educated, and competent people, no matter where and when they were born. While parents bear...